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deviantART homepage Welcome to Insomnia Oekaki! The long running oekaki board home to amateur and professional artists.
Every art style ranging from cartoonish, anime and realism are always welcome.
Promote this site!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you have installed Java 8 Update 20 or later, this update has has blocked access to unsigned applets, making the oekaki boards and other unsigned Java applets inoperable. If you use Java 8 Update 20 or later and if you want to draw on this oekaki, please do the following:

1. Go to Control Panel, select Java and make sure Java content is enabled in your browser.
2. Go to Security and add the URL link of this site in the address bar to your Exception List.

Animated versions of ShiPainter, ShiPainter Pro and OekakiBBS are known to work correctly under these new restrictions. Normal, Paletted and Animated PaintBBS and ChibiPaint do not work at all at this time. I'm still investigating into this issue and I'll post a update as time warrants.

In the meantime, if you wish to use the oekaki without any of these new restrictions, there are older versions of Java (Java 8 Update 11 and below) that will work with this oekaki board without problems.

Thank you for understanding.

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[2,603] Artist: rainbow | Title: Zelda (final w/o background) | Time: 13h 15m
Pic #2603


[2,588] Artist: rainbow | Title: Insomnia Oekaki Forums are up! | Time: 5m 40s
Pic #2588

rainbow 2009/9/14 22:43:52

It's been nearly a week since Insomnia Oekaki had moved to netTHRILLdesigns and thanks to IceyTina and Seranic setting up a second MySQL database, I have decided to set up the support forums for the oekaki site! If you wish to sign up for a account at the forums, go here:

Here are the forum categories that make up the forums:

Site Updates: This is where the latest news and announcements regarding the Insomnia Oekaki board and the forums go. You can read the announcements, but you may not post in that forum.

Suggestions: This is where you can discuss some ideas on how to help improve the Insomnia Oekaki website! I am very much open to all ideas on how this can be done!

Oekaki Support: If you have ever found a glitch or a bug regarding the operations of the Insomnia Oekaki board or the forums itself, you are welcomed to post there. Also, if you ever need any help on how to use the oekaki applets as well as the upload feature on the IO website, that goes there.

General Discussion: The General Discussion forums is the place where you can discuss anything that is not relevant to other areas of the forums. This is the case if you are either feeling bored and don't have the time to do a oekaki drawing or if you're not a oekaki artist, you are welcome to discuss it.

Testing Area: This is the forum area to test stuff out such as image uploads, BBCode or anything else to make sure the site will work properly for you.

All of the existing users here will receive a mass OPmail with a copy of all of this notice very shortly.

Enjoy the forums!

[2,580] Artist: rainbow | Title: Thank you, iceytina! | Time: 2m 29s
Pic #2580

rainbow 2009/9/10 3:01:21

I would all like to welcome you to Insomnia Oekaki at its permanent home ->

I would honestly like to thank iceytina for getting Insomnia Oekaki hosted on netTHRILLdesigns and I really appreciate it.

As you may have noticed before, two issues have plagued Insomnia Oekaki:

1. Insomnia Oekaki's old webhost, OekakiArt shut down and it's expected to be deregistered very soon. All of the files and the database have been removed from the site and the subdomain name has been taken down.
2. Insomnia Oekaki previously moved to Orgfree only to find that the move was short-lived. I recently learned that Orgfree will disable Java applets after the no-ad trial period has expired as this is a strong security measure to prevent bandwidth leeching.

All members at Insomnia Oekaki currently hosted on Orgfree once again receive a OPMail from me regarding the link new link to Insomnia Oekaki. Additionally, members who have been active for up to 60 days will receive a note regarding the move on their deviantART account as well as a e-mail.

Once again, all of the existing members, including pictures, comments, chat data, etc. have all been migrated to the new subdomain name without any problems.

If you encounter any problems regarding the operation of Insomnia Oekaki, including but not limited to submission of drawings, retouching and Java-related issues, please let me know.

Coming soon, a forum will be set up on this subdomain if I can get iceytina to set up a second MySQL database to hold the data for the forums.

For now, enjoy Insomnia Oekaki! :)

[2,178] Artist: rainbow | Title: NineChime website... | Time: 2m 22s
Pic #2178


[2,111] Artist: rainbow | Title: Ultema | Time: 6h 6m
Pic #2111
(Click to enlarge)

rainbow 2009/4/13 18:33:16
Blahblahbalah 2009/4/13 18:38:55
rainbow 2009/4/13 20:13:27
LehMoo 2009/4/14 7:42:08
rainbow 2009/4/14 8:43:12
LehMoo 2009/4/14 8:46:59
rainbow 2009/4/14 13:40:17
Squeevee 2009/4/14 13:41:29
rainbow 2009/4/14 16:14:44

[1,993] Artist: rainbow | Title: Help Improve Insomnia Oekaki | Time: 6m 59s
Pic #1993

rainbow 2009/3/2 8:54:49
I want you to take a big of time to read this post regarding the state of this oekaki.

In the past six months, Insomnia Oekaki has pretty much recovered from the downtime in regards to the upgrade from last August.

If you are interested, I would like you to take a look at my latest journal entry:

My recent journal entry explains it all. Because no one is interested in applying for oekaki affiliation, I'm planning on taking the affiliation page down soon.

Secondly, I want to hear your thoughts regarding the improvement of Insomnia Oekaki:

1. Which areas of the oekaki would you like to see improved further?
2. What are the possible suggestions that you would like to make on this oekaki?

Discuss this if you like. :)
rubin 2009/3/2 10:19:34
rainbow 2009/3/2 10:34:23
LehMoo 2009/3/3 15:26:56
rainbow 2009/3/3 16:03:46

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